IT Lab

Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer lab, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources. Microsoft Windows software is available for word processing, statistics, spreadsheets and database management. A variety of graphics and website-creation software programs are also available.

This lab features 30 personal-computing workstations with Microsoft Windows 10 and Office 2016 applications, plus printer and scanner capability. A number of specialty software packages, such as graphic, web design and statistical analysis programs, are also available.

Middle School Program

Project based learning is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Students learn about a subject by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or problem. Project based learning is contrasts with paper-based, rote memorization, or teacher-led instruction that presents established facts or portrays a smooth path to knowledge by instead posing questions, problems or scenarios. Thomas Markham (2011) describes project-based learning (PBL) thus: “PBL integrates knowing and doing. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve authentic problems and produce results that matter. James G. Greeno (2006) has associated project-based learning with the “situated learning” perspective and with the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget. Blumenfeld et al. elaborate on the processes of Project based learning: “Project-based learning is a comprehensive perspective focused on teaching by engaging students in investigation.

Through the affiliation with AKU-EB, MFF has abandoned the conventional methods of teaching and has adapted project based teaching methods. A prominent example is the Middle School Program (MSP) that supports and ensures child centered learning and teaching, provision of opportunity to perform team and collaborative work ensuring the learning of children with special needs along with all learners. This MSP program helped students to connect with real world situation through collaboration and engagement, hereby developing independent critical thinkers. Students are able to know their weaknesses through different form of assessment thereby making themselves independently responsible for their learning. The Examination board offers (MSP) middle school projects for middle section to facilitate the students higher order cognitive skills and desire competencies through a process of engaging students in interdisciplinary project.


Dr. Azizali F Mohammed Rehabilitation Center was established in 2017. The ultimate purpose of the rehabilitation center is to provide campus based rehabilitation services to the people with disabilities (PWDs).

It is an only well-equipped facility having trained human resource in Gilgit-Baltistan. There are four sub resourceful units (Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Pain Management & First aid unit) were catered average 5 cases in each unit per day for the following rehabilitation services. Furthermore, this center also providing platform for clinical practice, action reach for university graduates, teachers, parents and other learners.

  • Assessment & develop rehabilitation plan. 
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Speech therapy.
  • Occupational Therapy.
  • Behavior Modification Therapy.
  • Counselling Sessions.
  • Pain Management & First aid.
  • Manual hearing evaluation.

1. Socialization of Children with Disabilities

This socialization class concept initiated in 2019 which is based on four general principles as follows (a-no discrimination, b-the best interest, c-survival & development, and d- respect for the views of child mentioned in the convention on the right of child (CRC) elaborated in Article (2) (18) (23) respectively. the summary of CRC clearly establishes equal rights, given special care, provide necessary support and ensure effective access to Education, Training, Health care & Rehabilitation services which is also mentioned in National Policy 2002 Laws for Promoting Inclusive Development in Pakistan as well. The individual with special needs are vulnerable groups that need special attention and care as they facing disadvantages, even many are denied the rights to medical care and education services. Hence, remove the barriers and elimination the discriminatory approach and provide learning environment as per their capability and able to acquire the knowledge and skills to become useful member of the society. The MFF dealing inappropriate behaviors, Learning problems and communication deficit as per define guideline mentioned in DSM 4. The Socialization Class is the part of Rehabilitation services where trained professional working on behavior modification, confidence building, music, recreational, and life learning skills. Through this program more than 15 children with special needs catered for said intervention and conducted regular based class from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at center 4 days in a week.

2. Inclusive Support Team (IST)

The Inclusive Education model needs technical assistance specific to the various levels that suggest a team with multiple expertise. For this regard a multi-disciplinary team consist of four members two candidates from each department academic and CICD with diversified skills named Inclusive Support Team (IST) has been formed 2017 to implement the model in MFEWO campus. The IST responsible to undertake activities at different stages to provide support in designing pedagogues, class room observation and monitoring the Individual education Plan (IEPs) implementation in classrooms. After through assessment of the case and parental session, the IST holds discussion with subject teachers to develop appropriate activities for the targeted Inclusive student to be implemented in the classroom. The IST monitors the progress of the targeted student on need basis and reviewed strategy to suggest modification for the improvement of leaning outcome. Till now more than 53 Inclusive students have been accommodated for academic services from campus and the IST provided regular support to the targeted teacher to develop strategy for improve target student learning outcome.    

3. In-house Capacity Building Program

In-house capacity building program is the process by which individuals obtain, improve, and sustain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources. Ultimately, it allows individuals to perform at a greater capacity  and enables to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective. In this regard the MFEWO also strengthening the capacities of people, organizations, and communities ensures sustainable and enduring change by engaging in session, training’s, learning exchanges and developing learning materials. In due course that learned knowledge and skills help to address the root issues of problems thereby, ensuring lasting results. The CICD team have been organized 110 in-house capacity sessions and training’s for staff and other stakeholder at rehabilitation department successfully and till continue.


The school is affiliated with Aga Khan Examination Board (AKU-EB) for class IX and X. The main objective of this board is to improving skills in English and Urdu language. In Science subjects too’ the students acquire both conceptual understanding and practical application of Mathematics and Science in daily life.

Montessori School

Early child hood education is a branch of education theory that relates to the teaching of children from birth up to the age of eight. According to Who” Early Child hood (ECD) refers to physical, socio emotional, cognitive and motor development between 0-8 years of age. MFM&IEC is practicing Montessori Education system of ECD. The Montessori Method uses four types of scientifically developed material by Maria Montessori: censorial, language, mathematical and practical life. The main ingredients of a Montessori room are a prepared environment, a Montessori trained directress and a mixed age group so that younger children can learn from older ones.

Annually 60 students of age 3 are enrolled in Reception Montessori classes. The concept of inclusive education argues about provision of equitable opportunities for special children in class room environment. MFF in this regard has reserved 10% seats for special children at every class. In the year 2019, 60 students were enrolled in Reception Montessori included 10% of children with special needs. Montessori directresses teach basic concept of Math, languages, and censorial, they observe children in the classroom and outdoors and help children to develop balance personalities.