The 15th Board Meeting of the Mehnaz Fatima Foundation was conducted in Islamabad . The honorable Chairperson, the Patrons, the distinguished Board members, as well as the MFF Management Team, were present at the meeting. We appreciate the invaluable leadership and support of the whole Board members and Patrons.
Our section Head Ms .Hussun Karim Jan wrote a great article Heath Implications of Early Electronic Screen Exposure on PAMIR Times, Click on this <<link>> to read more.
The Mehnaz Fatima Montessori and Inclusive Education Center (MFMIEC) is going to announce the admissions of the Reception classes for the year 2019. The Registration forms will be available from 14 to 18 January, 2019 at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Finance office. The last date of registration form submission is 21 January 2019.
After the successful submission of registration form the next step would be the admission process. The concern authority will intimate the Parents after scrutinization of registration forms.
Kind Regards, Management Mehnaz Fatima Foundation (MFF)
Introduction of the Activity:
The Mehnaz Fatima Educational and Welfare Organization (MFEWO) trying to contribute their role within the capacity of the organization to eliminate root causes of visual impairment which leads to blindness or visual problems if not treated timely.
For this purpose, MFEWO alternatingly organize awareness sessions and Medical camps to sensitize and aware communities about the subject and propose early interventions and procedure by medical professionals, as we believe “Precaution is better than cure”.
Usually in most of the visual issues which arise due to poor hygiene practices by individuals and family members. Therefore, the execution of this theme activity was, to promote better hygiene practice at individual, family, school, community level and particularly divert parents’ attention towards hygiene of children with special needs. In the same way, another objective of this activity was, to ensure the understanding of precautionary measures for eye related issues and develop sense of early interventions.
To accomplish the above mentioned objectives Mehnaz Fatima Educational & Welfare Organization MFEWO organized medical camp for eye screening held at Government Girls High School Jutal through community intervention for children with disabilities project by CICD trainers. The core objective of said activity as under:
Objectives of the Activity:
To orient about MFEWO and CICD project interventions.
To sensitize community about early intervention and eye care.
To discuss importance of better hygiene practices.
To conduct medical camp for eye screening by eye care professionals.
To suggest eye care interventions as per need for prevention.
Mobility of children with special needs can be enhanced and improved through provision of assistive devices. Therefore, Mehnaz Fatima Foundation trying to fulfill the need of Children with Special Needs through community intervention for children with disabilities CICD project since 2006. CICD team distributed various type of assistive devices among 12 children with special needs through CICD project intervention and it is continuing till the date at Dr. Azizali F. Mohammed Rehabilitation center at MFF. Following were the key objectives: Objectives:
• To orient parents having children with special needs about Dr Azizali F Mohammed Rehabilitation facilities at MFM&IEC.
• To distribute assistive devices (wheelchairs, CP positioning chairs and other assistive aid among the children with special needs).
The need of assistive devices was identified by CICD team and then initiate requisition for required assistive aid provision at campus and community level. This activity will help to accomplish the core objective to socialize isolated individuals through enhance mobility by provision of assistive devices as per need of the individuals.
Program Started with recitation of verses from holy Quran
by Mr Toqeer Teacher MFM&IEC.
Mr Khadim Ali Hassan CICD Coordinator explained role of
parents in Rehabilitation process.
Sir Ghulam Abbas CEO MFF shared their view among the
CEO MFF distributed assistive devices among the parents
having children with special needs
CICD Team demonstrated appropriate use of assistive
devices among the parents having children with special
Introduction of the Activity:
The main theme of this activity was, to include vulnerable group of children with special needs in ‘Eid celebrations through distribution of Hygiene Kits as Eidi (Eid gift). The underlying purpose is to promote better hygiene practices within the family and to divert parents’ attention towards hygiene of their children with special needs.
To accomplish this objective Mehnaz Fatima Foundation (MFF) distributed hygiene kits among 23 Children through community intervention for children with disabilities project. The vulnerable groups were identified by CICD team from targeted villages. This activity concluded before ‘Eid holidays.
Objectives of the Activity:
• To include vulnerable families having children with special needs in ‘Eid greetings on the occasion of ‘Eid celebration.
• To distribute Hygiene Kits among the vulnerable children with special needs for promote good hygiene practices at family level.
CICD Trainers Preparing List for Distribution of Hygiene
kits among the Vulnerable children with special from
targeted Villages
CICD Trainers sort out the materials for packaging
CICD Trainers working on pack and packaging
Admin Officer and CICD Coordinator the quality of Hygiene Kits items
In pursuant to MoU signed on 17th April 2018 between Mehnaz Fatima Foundation (MFF) and Karakorum International University (KIU) the focal persons and the representatives of both the organizations held meeting on 16th May 2018. The agenda of the meeting was to define certain steps and plan activities to implement the agreement in actual. As a kick start one of the activities planned was to present the concept of Inclusive Education to the graduates of KIU by the focal persons of MFF as a Guest Speaker on 25th May 2018. In addition, MFF will be accommodating and facilitating 27 Graduates of KIU from 17th May till 5th June 2018 for their practicum and observations as part of their course.
The Coordinator CICD Mr. Khadim Ali Hassan presented the concept of Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation in Seminar Hall Education department at KIU. The presentation covered the key concept of Inclusive Education specifically in the context of MFF practices and practical experiences in rehabilitation and community services. The main objectives of the session was:
To sensitize participants regarding the need of Inclusive Education in the main stream Education.
To Introduce the MFF Inclusive Education System and CICD project.
To create Awareness regarding Aziz Ali F. Mohammed Rehabilitation Centre and provision of services at MFF.
Orientation of MFF practices and its contribution in providing meaningful life to the Children with Special Needs in Gilgit region.
Opportunities for KIU graduates for Community Service through CBRRCs and Aziz Ali F. Mohammed Rehabilitation Centre at MFF.
Session was attended by CEO Mr. Abbas, Academic Head Ms. Amina, KIU Graduates (94 Male/Female) and faculty of Education department KIU . The knowledge and information shared by MFF through this platform was highly appreciated by the participants. Moreover, they took this opportunity to harness community service opportunities through CBRRCs and Aziz Ali F. Mohammed Centre at MFF. The session concluded via vote of thanks by HoD Dr. Dilangaiz Department of Education KIU.
CICD Coordinator Khadim while giving the reference of MoU to the participants.
During the Presentation
KIU Graduates and Faculty Education Department during the session
During the presentationPresentation to KIU Graduates
Vote of Thanks by HoD Dr. Dilangaiz Department of Education KIU
On May 12, 2018 Mehnaz Fatima Educational and Welfare Organization (MFEWO) celebrated its Annual Parent Day (APD) and 20 Years of Excellence. This event was attended by approximately 2200 guests including VIPs of Gilgit-Baltiatan Government, Directorate of Education Gilgit-Baltistan, representatives of Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and faculty of Karakorum International University (KIU). The key theme of the program was Inclusive Education, Value formation, Care for children with special needs and role of parents, which was excellently represented by shining stars of MFEWO through colorful performances. This report will discuss the underlying key themes of the event. The event will be updated on the official website of the organization,
Student leadership
MFEWO introduced practicing Student Leadership to develop and improve multiple skills. The event was entirely organized by the students and this has been highly appreciated by the Parents. The Secretary Education also highlighted this unique feature of the organization by referring to the students’ active involvement in the program and maintaining discipline.
Science projects
APD is always an opportunity to represent the academic excellence of the organization achieved so far and it gives great opportunity to the students to show their cognitive development. Continuing this practice student arranged a science exhibition guided by their teachers. The exhibition demonstrated emerging issues like environmental degradation, technology and cultural diversity. Guests enjoyed the exhibition and appreciated.
The entire performances were based on different themes. Each item gave a message to the audience. Parent’s applause was worth seeing. The very young children of Reception class performed on the stage which was appreciated by the parents.
Collaborative event
The APD was a collaborative event of CICD and Montessori School. They both shared the budget and performances giving the impression of one unit working for same mission and cause. One of the main features of the event was the peach of a parent attending Nomal CBRRC. His speech was so touching while telling the audience about changes brought in his child by the intervention of CICD. The entire gathering became very emotional and started crying.
Apex committee
The event was planned and designed under the guidance of the CEO. He constituted apex committee headed by Academic Head Ms. Amina Baig to supervise the overall activities and its arrangements which resulted in well-organized APD.
Budget vs Expenses
The expenses made in a prudent way due to which we remained within the given budget. We gave a foolproof security to the public with the help of the Administration who deputed security personal and installed walk through gates.
Chief Guest while Project Presentation of Students’ of Grade 6
Grade 8 Students’ presenting their project on Life before and after Science to the Chief Guest
Students’ during Science exhibition
Student presenting his Project
During Science Exhibition
The Chief Guest and the audience
The CEO MFEWO while welcoming the audience
Performance of Reception Montessori Children
Shining Stars of MFEWO presenting the concept of care for Children with Special Needs
Shining Stars of MFEWO presenting the concept of care for Children with Special Needs
The Chief Guest Secretary Education Mr. Khadim Hussain Saleem while giving speech
Cultural Show by Children of Grade 1
Drama Presented by Grade 9 Students
CBRRC Nomal representative sharing his experience of attending center
Mehnaz Fatima Foundation (MFF) is providing opportunities to its students to practice the targeted leadership skills by involving them in multiple committees like library committee, event committee, and assembly committee and so on along with teachers as their facilitators. It is also proposed that students as consumers of education are entitled to participatory rights in managerial processes and practices at the institutions (Obondo, 2000).
This provides students opportunity to learn from their teachers and work on their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Every year the process of selection of Head Boy and Head Girl through motivating speeches, colorful posters, and students’ campaign to market themselves followed by referendum is a fascinating exercise. Elected Head Boy and Head Girl represent MFF at different platforms within the school and outside the school. This practice will not only improve the leadership skills of our students but also develops their self-esteem and self-confidence.
This year total 15 contestants from Grade 7th and 8th participated in the competition of Head boy and Head Girl, out of 15 students 4 were selected for the second round considering their motto, level of participation and commitment. This was followed by referendum where all students had the opportunity to vote. The finalist who is elected this year for Head Boy and Head Girl is as follow:
Imran Ali (Grade 8) Head Boy
Faiza Zafar (Grade 8 ) Head Girl
The students who qualified for the title of House Prefect are:
Zain Ali (Grade 8 ) House Prefect
Purnoor Sultan (Grade 8) House Prefect
The result was announced on 2nd May in morning assembly presenting Saches by Mr. Abbas the CEO and Ms. Amina Academic Head to the elected students followed by Oath taking ceremony.
Obondo, A. (2000). Politics of Participartory Decision-Making in Campus Governance. Faculty of Education. University of Nairobi. Kenya
CEO Mr. Abbas, Academic Head Ms. Amina, CICD Coordinator Mr.Khadim Ali Hasan with elected Head Boy (Imran), House Prefect (Ali Zain) and House Prefect (Purnoor Sultan)
Academic Head Ms. Amina Presenting Sachs to the elected House Prefect.
The CEO Mr. Abbas presenting Sachs to the elected Head boy of Mehnaz Fatima Foundation.
The CEO Mehnaz Fatima Foundation Presenting Sachs to the elected House Prefect.
Oath taking ceremony of the elected students
Oath Taking ceremony
Students waiting in queue outside polling station to cast vote
Student while casting vote for the Head Boy
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